This is not a substitute for legal advice.  An attorney must be consulted.

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Are there any instances when you cannot change your name?

A name change cannot be done for fraudulent purposes. Some examples of instances in which you cannot change your name include, but are not limited to, the following:

1)     You cannot change your name to avoid bankruptcy.

2)     You cannot change your name if you have been convicted of a felony.

3)     You cannot change your name if you have a lien or financial judgment filed against you.

4)     You cannot change your name with the intent to interfere with the Trademark of a legitimate business.

5)     You cannot change your name to intentionally confuse people, such as using symbols or numbers.

6)     You cannot change your name to an obscenity or a racial slur, depending upon the state in which you live.

7)     You cannot change your name to another individual’s name with the intent to deceive others or the public. For example, you cannot change your name to that of a celebrity in order to profit from the likeness.  



This is not a substitute for legal advice. An attorney must be consulted.