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Norman C. Burkhalter1

     I, Norman C. Burkhalter2, of Monroe3 (address), Wisconsin4 (state), being of sound mind and disposing memory, do make, publish and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking any and all Wills and Codicils thereto by me at any time heretofore made.


     The executor of my estate shall pay all funeral expenses, costs of administration and other proper charges against my estate. My executor shall pay from the residue of my estate all estate and inheritance taxes assessed by reason of my death. I waive for my estate all rights of reimbursement for any payments made pursuant to this Article.  Interest and penalties concerning any tax shall be paid in the same manner as the tax.


     Provided my spouse, Elizabeth5 survives me by thirty (30) days, I give, devise and bequeath unto him/her all of my estate in whatever nature and form. I further direct that if my spouse, Elizabeth5 does not survive me by thirty (30) days, my property shall be distributed in conjunction with the following terms of this Will.


     In the event that my spouse, Elizabeth5 does not survive me by thirty (30) days, the provision of the preceding paragraph shall be of no force or effect. In such event, my children, Robert Burkhalter6Dorothy Burkhalter6, and Ethel Burkhalter6, and any other children born to Elizabeth7 (spouse’s name) and me after the making of this Will, shall inherit my entire estate in conjunction with the following terms. I, therefore, give, devise and bequeath the entire amount of my adjusted gross estate to my said children or their children per stirpes, should my children not survive me. Unless specified herein, each of my children shall receive an equal share of my estate. If any or all of my children are not surviving at the time of my death, their children shall receive their respective share. In the event that any of my children are deceased and leave no children or descendants surviving them at the time of my death, I direct that my entire estate go to my surviving children or, should any of my other children not survive me, to those children’s children or descendants.


     In the event my children, or any one of them, has not reached the age of twenty- five (25) years, a trust shall be established under the terms of this Will and said trust

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shall be called “Children of Norman Burkhalter8 and Elizabeth Burkhalter9 Trust.” Said trust shall be administered as follows:

A. Appointment of Trustee and Guardian:  I appoint Rose Bickford10 and Edmund Snell11 of Monroe12 (city), Wisconsin13 (state), as guardians over my children, in accordance with the terms of this Will. However, if Robert Burkhalter14, Dorothy Burkhalter14 and Ethel Burkhalter14 (names of children) are not minors at the time of my death, no guardians shall be appointed. Guardians shall be appointed for any child of mine under the age of eighteen (18) years of age. I appoint First Trust15 (banking institute), of Monroe, Wisconsin16 (address) as trustee, in accordance with the terms of this Will.

B. Administration of the Establishment of the Trust Account:
     1)  The trustee shall assemble all assets of my estate, including all insurance proceeds, in accordance with the foregoing, and any social security benefits payable upon my death, and maintain all such assets in an account with a bank chosen by the trustee.
     2)  The said account shall be in the name of the “Children Norman Burkhalter17 and Elizabeth Burkhalter17 Trust” with the name of the trustee appearing thereon.
     3)  That the said bank account shall be maintained with reputable banks, investment firms and saving associations that will agree to pay a maximum of interest on the principal of said account. However, the trustee may invest the corpus of said account at a greater percent per annum as the trustee shall decide through its good judgment. The funds of the trust shall be divided in various certificates, bonds, treasury bills and other forms of investment that are considered safe and wise as investments.
     4)  The trustee shall maintain a ledger of said account and shall accordingly record all deposits, withdrawals and income earned.
     5)  The trustee shall have the power to effectuate a withdrawal from the account for the benefit of the children in accordance with the provisions herein.
     6)  The trustee may receive from the corpus of the trust account payment for actual expenses incurred, such as telephone calls, mileage and other expenses of administration.
     7)  The trustee and guardians may each year receive, as just and fair compensation for their administration, proper fees not to exceed two percent (2%) per annum of the total corpus. The trustee and guardians may waive the provisions of this paragraph if they so desire.
     8)  The family home at 4499 Westview Dr.18 (address), Monroe19 (city),  Wisconsin20 (state), shall maintain through the action of the trustee, providing that the trustee provides my children, Robert21Dorothy21 and Ethel21 and any other children born to Norman Burkhalter22 and Elizabeth Burkhalter22 after the making of this Will, the opportunity to purchase such residence if said child is eighteen (18) years of age or older. The residence shall be sold for the fair market value. It shall be the duty of the trustee to maintain said residence for the period of time during

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which the option to purchase remains open to said children. If said residence is sold, the proceeds therefrom, after payment of existing mortgage, shall become a part of the corpus invested in accordance with the preceding.
     9)  The trustee shall treat the family automobile(s) and all household furnishings and personal items remaining at my death in a like manner. However, my children Robert23Dorothy23, and Ethel23 and any other children born to Norman Burkhalter24 and Elizabeth Burkhalter24 after the making of this Will, shall have the opportunity to select any family heirlooms and personal belongings, including furniture and other family items, to be distributed and kept by themselves. The sale of the automobile(s) shall be left to the discretion of the trustee and should be sold for fair market furnishings. The proceeds, from the sale of personal items, shall become a part of the trust corpus.
     10)  The guardians, with financial assistance from this trust as approved by the trustee in its discretion, shall assure the proper education of my children, Robert25Dorothy25, and Ethel25 and any other children born to Norman Burkhalter26 and Elizabeth Burkhalter26 after the making of this Will. Proper education shall include the opportunity of college and postgraduate work if desired. The guardians, with financial assistance from this trust as approved by the trustee in its discretion, shall assure the proper wearing apparel, medical care, dental care, and all other necessities that may arise from time to time.
     11)  The trustee and guardians shall see to the needs of my children until the youngest child reaches the age of twenty-five (25) years, at which time each child shall be entitled to his or her share of my estate. At all times my children shall be treated equally under the terms of this Will unless a specific bequest has been made to them, in which case that child shall receive the specific bequest.

C. Distribution of the Corpus:
     1)  The trustee shall distribute the reasonable amounts from the corpus for the care of my children, Robert27Dorothy27, and Ethel27, and any other children born to Norman Burkhalter28 and Elizabeth Burkhalter28 after the making of this Will, in accordance with the needs of each child and the costs of their maintenance, in conjunction with the foregoing and the following provisions:
     a)  The trustee must pay all reasonable expenses of Robert29Dorothy29, and Ethel29, and any other children born to Norman Burkhalter30 and Elizabeth Burkhalter30 after the making of this Will.
     b)  The trustee shall pay all medical and dental expenses of Robert31Dorothy31, and Ethel31, and any other children born to Norman Burkhalter32 and Elizabeth Burkhalter32 after the making of this Will, during the period of this trust, from the trust corpus.
     c)  The trustee shall maintain medical and hospital insurance on said children during the period of this trust and from the trust corpus.


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     d)  The trustee shall provide, from the trust, the amount for the children’s college expenses, including tuition, books, room, board and clothing. My children, Robert33Dorothy33, and Ethel33, and any other children born to Norman Burkhalter34 and Elizabeth Burkhalter34 after the making of this Will, must actually attend an accredited college or university to receive these benefits.

D. Special Bequests:
     1)  Any other family heirlooms, furnishings or personal items shall be divided equally between my children as they shall agree between them.
     2)  In the event children other than Robert35Dorothy35, and Ethel35, are born to Norman Burkhalter36 and Elizabeth Burkhalter36 after the making of this Will, then the child or children shall participate equally in the distribution of the foregoing items with Robert37Dorothy37, and Ethel37.


     The trustee shall distribute to or for the benefit of the beneficiaries the residuary trust, part or all of the following portions remaining in the corpus and undistributed income thereof, and the residuary trust shall terminate as to each beneficiary when each beneficiary reaches the age of twenty-five (25) years, at which time the share of this trust for each child of mine shall be distributed to said child or his or her descendants in a manner such as to assure the equal treatment.
     If at the time of my spouse’s death, and if any of my children are deceased and leave minor children remaining as descendants, my children’s portion of the residuary trust shall remain in force for their children’s benefit. If such children leave no heirs of their own, that child’s share shall be equally divided between my remaining children.


     In the event that my spouse Elizabeth38, does not survive me by thirty (30) days, and in the event that I leave no children surviving me, and said children leave no children or descendants surviving them at the date of my death, the residue of my estate is to be divided as follows:
     a)  I do hereby give and bequeath 5% of my said residuary estate to my brother, Axel Burkhalter39, and to my sister-in-law, Joanne Charnee40, in equal shares or, in the event that one shall have predeceased me, then the other shall take this entire bequest. Should both predecease me, then this bequest shall be distributed as a part of the remainder of my estate, as provided below.
     b)  I do hereby give and bequeath 5% of my said residuary estate to World Food Group41 to provide food for the poor people in foreign countries, but I do not intend to impose any trust by virtue of this bequest and a receipt to my executor from World Food Group42 shall be sufficient evidence that my intent has been carried out.
     c)  I do hereby give, devise and bequeath one-half (1/2) of the remainder of my said residuary estate to my acquaintance, Margie Smith43 and her son, David44 in equal shares. Said bequest is per stirpes.

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     d)  I do hereby give the remaining one-half (1/2) of my said residuary estate to my minister, Ray Book45 and his spouse, Kelly46 in equal shares. The bequest is per stirpes.


     No interest of any beneficiary in the corpus income of my estate or any trust created hereunder shall be subject to assignment, alienation, pledge, or attachment of claims of creditors of such beneficiary and may not otherwise be voluntarily or involuntarily alienated or encumbered by such beneficiary, except as may be expressly provided herein.


     If any trust created herein shall violate the applicable rule against perpetuities, or any other similar rules of law, the trustee is hereby directed to terminate such trust from the date limited by such rule of law and thereupon the property held in said trust shall be distributed to the persons then entitled to share in the income thereof and the corpus. No power of appointment granted hereunder shall be so exercised to violate such applicable rule of law or any attempted exercise of any such power that violates any such rule of law.


     Any mortgage, lien or other encumbrance upon the property, bequeathed and devised to anyone outright or in trust, shall be assumed by the legatee, devisee or trustee of such property.


     I appoint to serve without bond my brother, Axel Burkhalter47, as executor of my Will if he/she is living at the time of my death. However, if he/she is not living at the time of my death or is unable to serve as executor for some reason, I then appoint Theodore Bach48, of Monroe49 (city), Wisconsin50 (state), to serve without bond as executor of my Will, in accordance with the foregoing provisions.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunder set my hand on this 15th51 day of
August51, 199651.                                52

     On this 15th53 day of August53, 199653, we the undersigned witnessed in the presence of Norman Burkhalter54, and in the presence of each other and upon the request of Norman Burkhalter55, witness the signing and execution of what Norman Burkhalter56 declared to be his/her Last Will and Testament, an instrument consisting of 557 type written pages, and at his/her request and in his/her presence and in the presence of each other, we have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.

                                        58                                         59
                                        60                                         61

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STATE OF Wisconsin62 )
COUNTY OF Green63 )

     I, Norman C. Burkhalter64 , the testator, and we, the undersigned,  Billy Joe Williams65 and Abner Kittel65, the Testator and the witnesses, respectively, whose names are signed to the attached and foregoing instrument, being first duly sworn, declare to the undersigned authority that said instrument is the Testator’s Will and that the Testator willingly signed and executed such instrument, or expressly directed another to sign the same in the presence of the witnesses, as a free and voluntary act for the purposes therein expressed; that said witnesses, and each of them, declare to the undersigned authority that such Will was executed and acknowledged by the Testator as the Testator’s Will in their presence and that they, in the Testator’s presence, at the Testator’s request, and in the presence of each other, did subscribe their names thereto as attesting witnesses on the date of the date of such Will; and that the Testator, at the time of the execution of such instrument, was of full age and of sound mind and that the witnesses were sixteen (16) years of age or older and otherwise competent to be witnesses.


     Subscribed, sworn and acknowledged before me by Norman Burkhalter69,  the Testator, and subscribed and sworn before me by Billy Joe Williams70 and Abner Kittel71, witnesses, this 5th72 day of August72, 199672.

               (Seal)                                         73
Notary Public
See also Attestation Clause and Self-Proved Will.



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Copyright © 1994 - 2015 by LAWCHEK, LTD.


The form above is an example of how a typical Single Trust Will form may be completed.

  1. The identity and full name of the testator should be set forth.  Generally, the entire name including the full middle name should be set forth.  However, only the middle initial has been used in this sample Single Trust form.

  2. Again, the full name of the testator.

  3. The address of the testator.  Generally, a street address should be included, however, in this case there is not a street address.

  4. The state in which the testator resides should be set forth.

  5. The name of the spouse is set forth.

  6. The identity of the children is provided.

  7. The name of the spouse is once again noted.

  8. The name of the testator.

  9. The name of the spouse of the testator.

  10. The name of the first guardian appointed for the children.

  11. The name of the second guardian appointed for the children.

  12. The address of the guardians.

  13. The state in which the guardians reside.

  14. The names of the children.

  15. A banking institution, if used as a trustee, should be indicated.

  16. The address of the banking institution should be provided.

  17. The name of the trust which includes the testator's name and the spouse's name.

  18. The street address of the family home.

  19. The city in which the family resides.

  20. The state in which the family resides.

  21. The name of the children.

  22. The names as identified in the trust as the testator's name and the spouse's name.

  23. The names of the children.

  24. The names of the testator and spouse for the identity of the trust name.

  25. The names of the children.

  26. Again, the identity of the trust name, including the names of the testator and spouse.

  27. The names of the children.

  28. The name of the trust.

  29. Again, the names of the children.

  30. The names of the testator and spouse for the identity of the trust.

  31. The names of the children.

  32. The names of the testator and spouse.

  33. The names of the children.

  34. The names of the testator and spouse.

  35. Once again, the names of the children must be indicated.

  36. The names of the testator and spouse.

  37. The names of the testator's children.

  38. The name of the testator's spouse.

  39. A specific bequest is set forth of 5% of the residuary estate.  The beneficiary is here noted.

  40. An additional beneficiary to the 5% of the residuary estate.  Please understand that this a sample only.

  41. An additional recipient is identified.

  42. An additional recipient is once again identified.  Keep in mind that this is a sample form only.

  43. A beneficiary of the estate in the event the spouse and children do not survive the testator for one-half (1/2) the remaining portion of the estate is set forth as an example.

  44. An additional beneficiary is a sample only.

  45. A beneficiary set forth as an example only.

  46. A beneficiary set forth as an example only.

  47. The executor is identified.

  48. The identity of the alternate executor.

  49. The address of the alternate executor.

  50. The state in which the alternate executor resides.

  51. The date on which the will is signed.

  52. The signature of the testator.

  53. Once again, the date on which the will is signed.

  54. The identity of the testator.

  55. Again, the identity of the testator.

  56. The name of the testator must once again appear on the document.

  57. The number of pages in the document.

  58. The signature of the first witness.

  59. The address of the first witness.

  60. The signature of the second witness.

  61. The address of the second witness.

  62. The state in which the notary affidavit is signed.

  63. The county in which the affidavit is signed is identified.

  64. The identity of the testator.

  65. The identity of the first and second witnesses.

  66. The signature of the testator.

  67. The signature of the first witness.

  68. The signature of the second witness.

  69. The name of the testator.

  70. The name of the first witness.

  71. The name of the second witness.

  72. The date on which the document is signed.

  73. The signature of the Notary Public.


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