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Is there a residency requirement?

Please see specific state for details and/or differences.


When the Defendant is a non-resident, the Plaintiff must have been a resident of Alabama for six months prior to the filing of the complaint. Alabama Code 30-2-5.

To petition the court for a divorce, the Petitioner must allege that he is a resident of the state of Alaska.  AS 25.24.080.

In Arizona, one of the parties must be domiciled in the state for at least 90 days prior to the filing of the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. ARS §25-312.

To obtain a divorce, the plaintiff must prove, but need not allege in the complaint, that either plaintiff or defendant has been a resident in Arkansas for at least sixty (60) days prior to the filing of the complaint, and a resident of Arkansas for at least three months before the final judgment granting the decree of divorce. Where the defendant cannot be served personally with the summons and complaint or where the defendant fails to respond to the complaint, the court will not grant a decree of divorce unless the plaintiff has maintained an actual residence in Arkansas for at least three full months. Ark. stat. Ann. 9-12-307.

A judgment of dissolution of marriage may not be entered unless one of the parties has been a resident of California for six months and of the county in which the proceeding is filed during a period of three months preceding the filing of the Petition.  Cal. Fam. Code §2320.

To obtain a decree of dissolution of marriage in Colorado, one of the parties must have been domiciled in Colorado for at least ninety (90) days prior to the time of filing the Petition for Dissolution.  CRSA §14-10-106.

A complaint for dissolution of a marriage may be filed at any time after either party has established residence in Connecticut. Temporary relief pursuant to the complaint may be granted at any time after either party has established residence in Connecticut. A decree dissolving a marriage may be entered if: 1) one of the parties has been a resident of Connecticut for at least the twelve months preceding the date of filing of the complaint or for at least the twelve months preceding the date of the decree; or 2) one of the parties was domiciled in Connecticut at the time of the marriage and returned to Connecticut with the intention of permanently remaining before the filing of the complaint; or 3) the cause for the dissolution of the marriage arose after either party moved into Connecticut.  C.G.S.A. §46b-44.

To ask the court for a divorce, one of the parties must have resided within the State of Delaware for at least six (6) months immediately preceding commencement of the action.  13 DCA §1504.

To obtain a dissolution of marriage, one of the parties to the marriage must reside for at least six (6) months in the state before the filing of the Petition. FSA §61.021.

To ask the Court for a divorce, one of the parties must have resided within the state for at least six months immediately preceding commencement of the action. GC §19-5-2.

No divorce shall be granted for any cause unless either party has been domiciled or has been physically present in Hawaii for a continuous period of at least six (6) months preceding filing of the Complaint.  HRS §580-1.

A divorce may not be granted unless the Plaintiff has been a resident of Idaho for at least six (6) weeks preceding the commencement of the action. IC §32-701.

At the time the action for dissolution is commenced, one of the parties must have been a resident of Illinois for at least ninety (90) days prior to commencement of the action.  750 ILCS 5/401.

To ask the court for a dissolution of marriage, one of the parties must have resided within the state for at least six (6) months immediately preceding commencement of the action. The Petition must be filed in the county where either party has been a resident for at least three months preceding the filing of the Petition.
AIC §31-1-11.5-6.

Except where the Respondent is a resident of Iowa and is served by personal service, the Petition for dissolution of marriage must state that the Petitioner has been a resident of the state for the last year.  ICA Section 598.6.

To ask the Court for a divorce, one of the parties must have resided within the State of Kansas for at least sixty (60) days immediately preceding commencement of the action.  KSA §60-1603.

To petition the court for a dissolution of marriage, one of the parties must have resided within the state of Kentucky for at least 180 days prior to filing of the Petition.  K.R.S. §403.140.

To ask the court for a divorce, one of the parties must be domiciled in Louisiana at the time of filing the Petition which is filed in the parish where either party is domiciled or where the parties last were domiciled as husband and wife. For the purposes of the residency requirement, if a spouse has established and maintained a residence in a parish of Louisiana for a period of at least six months, there is a rebuttable presumption that the party has a domicile in Louisiana and in the parish of such residence.  CCP Art. 10 and 3941.

A divorce action can be commenced in Maine if one of the following is true: 1) the Plaintiff has resided in good faith in Maine for six months prior to the commencement of the action; 2) the Plaintiff is a resident of Maine, and the parties were married in Maine; 3) the Plaintiff is a resident of Maine, and the parties resided in Maine at the time when the cause of divorce accrued, or 4) the Defendant is a resident of Maine.  19 MRSA §691.

To ask the court for a divorce, one of the parties must have been a resident of Maryland at the time of filing the Complaint for divorce. However, if the cause for divorce occurred out of the state, one of the parties must have resided in Maryland for at least one year preceding the filing of the Complaint.  ACM §7-101.

One of the following circumstances must exist in order to ask the court for a divorce: 1) the parties lived together as husband and wife in the commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the cause for the divorce occurred within Massachusetts; or 2) before the cause for the divorce occurred, the parties had lived together as husband and wife in the commonwealth of Massachusetts, and one of the parties lived in Massachusetts at the time when the cause occurred; or 3) the Plaintiff has lived in the commonwealth of Massachusetts for at least one year preceding the filing of the action for divorce, even if the cause occurred in another state; or 4) the Plaintiff was domiciled within the commonwealth of Massachusetts at the time the divorce action is filed and the cause occurred within Massachusetts.
ALM 208 §4 and 5.

To ask the court for a divorce, one of the parties must have resided within the state of Michigan for at least 180 days immediately preceding commencement of the action.  MCLA §552.9.

To ask the court for a divorce, one of the parties must have resided within the state of Minnesota for at least 180 days immediately preceding commencement of the action.  Minn. Stat. §518.07.

To ask the court for a divorce, one of the parties must have resided within the state for at least six months immediately preceding commencement of the action.
MC 93-5-5.

To ask the court for a dissolution, one of the parties must have resided within the state of Missouri for at least 90 days immediately preceding commencement of the action.  VAMS §452.305.

In order to enter a decree of dissolution of marriage, the court must find that one of the parties, at the time the action was commenced, was domiciled in the state of Montana, and that the domicile had been maintained for at least 90 days prior to the court making its findings and final decree.  MCA 40-4-104.

No action for dissolution of marriage may be brought unless at least one of the parties has had actual residence in Nebraska for at least one year prior to filing of the petition. However, an action may also be commenced in Nebraska if the marriage took place in Nebraska and either party has resided in the state from the time of marriage to the time of filing the petition. Reissued Revised Statutes 42-349.

To ask the court for a divorce, one of the parties must have resided within the state for at least six weeks immediately preceding commencement of the action.
NRS 125.020.

The court has jurisdiction over the parties in the following cases only: 1) where both parties were domiciled in the state when the action was commenced; 2) where the Plaintiff was domiciled in the state, and the Defendant was personally served with process within the state; and 3) where the Plaintiff was domiciled in a state for at least one year preceding commencement of the action.  RSA 458:5.

The Superior Court of New Jersey has jurisdiction over a divorce case if, at the time the action is commenced, either of the parties has been a bona fide resident of New Jersey for at least one year preceding the filing of the Complaint. Bona fide resident means the party is actually domiciled within New Jersey. NJSA 2A:34-10.

The District Court has jurisdiction to decree a dissolution of marriage when, at the time of filing the Petition, either party has resided in New Mexico for at least six months immediately preceding the date of filing, and has a domicile in New Mexico. Domicile means that the person is physically present in New Mexico and has a place of residence in New Mexico, and has a present good faith intention to reside in the state indefinitely.  §40-4-5 NMSA.

An action for divorce may be maintained only under the following circumstances: 1) The parties were married in the state and either party is a resident of New York at the time the action is commenced, and has been a resident for a continuous period of one year immediately preceding commencement; 2) the parties have resided in New York as husband and wife and either party is a resident at the time the action is commenced, and has been a resident for at least one year preceding commencement; or 3) the grounds for divorce occurred in the state of New York and either party has been a resident of New York for at least one year immediately preceding commencement of the action; or 4) the ground for the divorce occurred within the state of New York and both parties are residents of New York at the time of commencement of the action; or 5) either party has been a resident of New York for at least two years immediately preceding commencement of the action.
Domestic Relations Law §230.

To ask the court for a divorce, one of the parties must have resided within the state for at least six months immediately preceding commencement of the action.
GS §50-8.

A divorce may not be granted unless the Plaintiff, in good faith, has been a resident of the state for six months preceding commencement of the action. If the Plaintiff has not been a resident for the six months preceding commencement of the action, a divorce may still be granted if the Plaintiff, in good faith, has been a resident of the state for six months preceding entry of the final divorce decree.
NDCC §14-05-17.

The Plaintiff, in an action for divorce, shall have been a resident of Ohio for at least six months immediately before filing the Complaint.  ORC 3105.03.

To ask the court for a divorce, one of the parties must have resided within the state for at least six months immediately preceding commencement of the action.
43 Okl.St.Ann. §102.

If the dissolution of marriage is requested on the ground of irreconcilable differences, then either party must have been a resident of Oregon, or have been domiciled in Oregon, for at least six months prior to the time of filing the Petition for Dissolution. If the marriage was contracted in Oregon and the dissolution is based on one of the same grounds as for an action for annulment (for example, that either party was married already or one of the parties is under age, etc.), then an action for dissolution may be commenced if either party is a resident or domiciled in Oregon at the time the Petition is filed.  ORS 107.075.

To ask the court for a divorce, one of the parties must have resided within the state for at least six months immediately preceding commencement of the action.
23 Pa.C.S.A. § 3104 (b).

To ask the court for a divorce, one of the parties must have resided within the state for at least one year immediately preceding commencement of the action.
GLRI 15-5-12.

In order to commence an action for divorce, the Plaintiff must have resided in South Carolina for at least one year prior to the commencement of the action. However, if both parties are residents of South Carolina at the time the action is commenced, then the Plaintiff must have resided in the state for only three months prior to the commencement of the action.  1976 Code §20-3-30.

The Plaintiff in an action for divorce must, at the time the action is commenced by service of the Summons and Complaint on Defendant, be a resident of the state of South Dakota. (Former requirement of one year residency has been eliminated.)
S.D.C.L. 25-4-30.

A divorce may be granted in Tennessee if either the Plaintiff or the Defendant has resided in Tennessee for at least six months preceding the filing of the Complaint.  Also, a divorce may be granted in Tennessee if the acts constituting the ground for the divorce were committed while the Plaintiff was a resident of Tennessee.
TCA §36-4-104.

In order to proceed with a divorce action in Texas, either party must have been domiciled in Texas for at least six months prior to filing the Petition, and either party must have been a resident of the county in which the Petition is filed for at least 90 days preceding filing of the Petition.  V.T.C.A., Family Code §3.21.

The Plaintiff or Defendant must be a resident of Utah and of the county where the action is brought for three months prior to the commencement of the action.
UCA 30-3-1.

To ask the court for a divorce, one of the parties must have resided within the state for at least six months immediately preceding commencement of the action. A divorce shall not be granted unless, at the time of the final hearing, either party has resided in Vermont for at least one year preceding the date of the final hearing.
15 VSA Section 592.

To ask the court for a divorce, one of the parties must have resided within the state for at least six months immediately preceding commencement of the action.
CV §20-97.

The Petitioner in a dissolution proceeding must be a resident of the state. The court cannot issue its Judgment and Decree of Dissolution until 90 days have elapsed since the Petition was filed and from the date when service of Summons was made upon the Respondent. RCW §26.09.030.

One of the parties must have been an actual resident of West Virginia for at least one year preceding the commencement of the action. However, if the marriage was entered into within the state of West Virginia, and the cause for the divorce is other than adultery, the action may be commenced if either of the parties is an actual resident of West Virginia at the time of commencement of the action, without regard to length of residency.  WV Code §48-2-7.

No action for a divorce may be brought unless at least one of the parties has been a resident of the county in which the action is brought for at least 30 days, and at least one of the parties has been a resident of the state for at least six months preceding the commencement of the action.  Wis. Stat. §767.05.

No divorce shall be granted unless the Plaintiff has resided in Wyoming for 60 days immediately preceding the time of filing the Complaint, or the marriage was contracted in Wyoming and the Plaintiff has resided in Wyoming from the time of the marriage until the filing of the Complaint. W.S. 20-2-107.

This is not a substitute for legal advice.  An attorney must be consulted.
Copyright © 1994 - 2015 by LAWCHEK, LTD.



This is not a substitute for legal advice. An attorney must be consulted.