_________________________, 20_____ (Date of Letter) ______________________________ (Name of Company) ______________________________ (Room, Floor or P.O. Box) ______________________________ (Street Address) ______________________________ (City, State and Zip Code) RE: ______________________________ (Warranty Failure) Dear Warranty Department: On the ______ day of ____________________, ______(year), one of your products was purchased by ________________________________ (self, relative, group, etc.). The intended purpose for the product was: _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (describe the product's function or purpose). However, when the product was placed in use, the following occurred: __________________________________________________________________ (describe the events which resulted when the product was placed in use). Because of the foregoing, it is apparent that your product does not comply with the warranty which provided that the product would __________________________________ _____________________________ (describe the warranty for the product). As a result of the foregoing, it is obvious that the product failed to comply with either the warranty for fitness and purpose or the warranty of merchantability, or otherwise failed to comply with an express warranty or other warranties as set forth above. Consequently, the following remedy is suggested by the undersigned: ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (description of the remedial action expected to be taken by the company). It is expected that this matter will be resolved within __________ days. It appears that, under the circumstances, this demand is reasonable and fair considering the warranties provided. Very truly yours, ______________________________ (Signature) ______________________________ (Address) ______________________________ (City, State and Zip Code) ______________________________ (Phone Number) LAWCHEK, LTD. LETTER PRO Samples, Copyright 2006 This is not a substitute for legal advice. An attorney must be consulted.