_________________________, 20_____ (Date of Letter) Department of _____________________________ (Government Department for Office) _________________________________________ (Room, Floor or P.O. Box) _________________________________________ (Government Office Building) _________________________________________ (Street Address) _________________________________________ (City, State and Zip Code) RE: __________________________________ (Particular Government Program) Attention of the _________________________ Project Director Dear Project Director: It is my (our) understanding that your office has available to it specific information that relates to ___________________________________ (specific government program). This particular program is of substantial interest to me (us) and, accordingly, I (we) have particular interest in specific information which is now available regarding _______________________________ (specific government program,). In particular, my (our) interest relates to the following: A. The legislative basis for the program; B. An overview or description of the program; C. The date the program first began or when the project started; D. The congressional sponsors for the legislation that authorized the program; E. An explanation of the need for the program; F. Statistics which relate to the underlying basis or need for the program; G. Statistics which relate to the cost of the program; H. The source of funding for the program; I. The particular area of the U.S. budget which allows for the program; J. The Identity of individuals and/or companies affected by the program; K. A description of how the program is administered; L. A listing of all forms that are used by the program; M. A copy of the particular form identified as _________________________; N. Other: ______________________________________________________ It is my (our) understanding that the information relating to the above request is to be provided without charge. Kindly provide all information requested to the name and address listed below. Should any items not be available, please identify with particularity those items and, finally, kindly provide me(us) with the identity of an individual whom I (we) may call should I (we) have any questions regarding the materials provided. Thank you for your kind and immediate attention to the foregoing. Very truly yours, ______________________________ (Signature) ______________________________ (Address) ______________________________ (City, State and Zip Code) ______________________________ (Phone Number) LAWCHEK, LTD. LETTER PRO Samples, Copyright 2006 This is not a substitute for legal advice. An attorney must be consulted.