____________________, 20___ (Date of Letter) ______________________________ (Name) ______________________________ (Street Address) ______________________________ (City, State and Zip Code) Dear ______________________: Thank you for including me (us) in your invitation to the _________________ _______________________________ (party, conference, meeting, etc.) on the _____ day of ____________________, 20___, at ___ o'clock ___.m. at ______________ ______________ (location). As it turns out, I (we) will not be able to attend and therefore am (are) sending my (our) regrets. Thank you again for the invitation, and thank you for thinking of me (us). Very truly yours, ______________________________ (Signature) ______________________________ (Address) ______________________________ (City, State and Zip Code) ______________________________ (Phone Number) LAWCHEK, LTD. LETTER PRO Samples, Copyright 2000 This is not a substitute for legal advice. An attorney must be consulted.