____________________, 20___ (Date of Letter) ______________________________ (Name) ______________________________ (Street Address) ______________________________ (City, State and Zip Code) Dear ___________________: It is my understanding that certain statements (or actions) that were recently made may have been misconstrued or taken out of context. Often individuals or parties will repeat statements that have either been misappropriated to a particular individual or that do not completely characterize everything that was said (or done). Because this matter has bothered me to some degree and since I have some fear that my words (or actions) have been misconstrued from what I understand, I wanted to communicate directly to you my regret a misunderstanding has arisen. Regardless of how the statements (or actions) were misconstrued and without appropriating blame to individual(s) and potentially creating an additional problem, I wanted to take this immediate opportunity to apologize to you for any misunderstandings that may have occurred as a result of anything that I may have said (or done). As you know, life is far too short for a festering misunderstanding to intervene between good relationships that have been long and well-established over many years. Kindly accept my apologies. When it is convenient to you, I would be more than happy to visit with you for the purpose of clarifying the matter with the best of intentions on my part. Hoping for your forgiveness, I remain -- Very truly yours, ______________________________ (Signature) ______________________________ (Address) ______________________________ (City, State and Zip Code) ______________________________ (Phone Number) LAWCHEK, LTD. LETTER PRO Samples, Copyright 2006 This is not a substitute for legal advice. An attorney must be consulted.