____________________, 20___ (Date of Letter) ______________________________ (Name) ______________________________ (Street Address) ______________________________ (City, State and Zip Code) Dear ___________________: It was a pleasure seeing you the other day, and it was very good discussing with you matters of mutual concern and interest. This will also confirm our meeting at ____ o'clock, ___.m. on the _____ day of _________________, _____(year), at _________________________________ (location). At that time we will no doubt be able to continue our discussion and assessment of issues. Should there be any reason for us to change our scheduled meeting, please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you. Very truly yours, ______________________________ (Signature) ______________________________ (Address) ______________________________ (City, State and Zip Code) ______________________________ (Phone Number) LAWCHEK, LTD. LETTER PRO Samples, Copyright 2006 This is not a substitute for legal advice. An attorney must be consulted.