Contracts Sample Legal Forms
This is not a substitute
for legal advice. An
attorney must be consulted.
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Tenant shall keep premises in good condition.
Tenant shall not interfere with other tenant's premises.
Tenant shall pay rent promptly on the due date.
Tenant shall not make any alterations to the premises
without written permission of the landlord.
Tenant shall keep proper liability, fire and/or other damage
insurance on the contents of the premises leased.
Tenants shall not receive a refund of the damage deposit
until landlord is certain that the premises are free of
damages upon the surrender of the premises.
No tenant shall interfere in any manner with any portion
either of the heating or lighting or other apparatus in or
about the building.
Automobiles must be kept within yellow lines of the
parking lot areas.
Sanitary napkins shall not be deposited in toilets but shall
be wrapped and deposited with other waste matter and
Tenant shall be responsible for closing of windows in his
or her apartment during storms.
Doors to apartments shall be kept closed at all times.
Owner shall have the right to inspect apartment at
reasonable times.
There shall be no door-to-door soliciting of any kind on
said premises.
Owner shall furnish extra keys and replace lost keys for
$1.00 each. Upon the expiration of lease, tenant shall
account for all keys delivered by owner.
The landlord reserves the right to change any of the
foregoing rules by rescinding or amending, or to make
such other rules or regulations as are deemed necessary
to provide for the comfort and convenience of all tenants, and for the safety, care, proper maintenance and
cleanliness of the premises.
is not a substitute for legal advice. An
attorney must be consulted.
Copyright � 2003 - 2013 by LAWCHEK, LTD. |
It is recommended that garbage disposal covers be kept in
the drain position when the unit is not in use. This will
prevent foreign material from dropping accidentally into
the waste disposal unit. In using the equipment, be sure
the cold water is turned on. It is important to maintain a
sufficient flow of water to flush shredded waste, even
after the disposal has been turned off. Please do not
attempt to insert corncobs, bottle caps, glass, pins, foil,
crockery, rugs, string or paper into the disposal as this
may cause malfunction and consequent inconvenience to
you. Clogged disposal will be unclogged and/or repaired
at the expense of the tenant.
Laundry rooms are equipped with coin-operated washers
and dryers. Kindly remove clothes promptly from machine. Do not use tints or dyes in the units. Please
follow operating instructions and report any difficulty
No doormats or other obstructions should be placed at your
entrance door. Mail or paper deliveries should be taken in
as soon as possible to minimize the possibility of accidents to passersby.
Please advise owner promptly of any malfunctions or
difficulties, so that repairs and/or adjustments can be
made at the least inconvenience to you.
Nothing shall be attached to walls or woodwork except the
stick-on type fasteners or small nails driven at an angle.
is not a substitute for legal advice. An
attorney must be consulted.
Copyright � 2003 - 2013 by LAWCHEK, LTD. |
The form above is an example of
how a Typical Apartment Rule and Regulations form may be completed.
No information needs to be
added to this form.
This is not a substitute for legal
advice. An
attorney must be consulted.
Copyright � 2003 - 20 by LAWCHEK, LTD.
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