Corporation Sample Legal Forms

This is not a substitute for legal advice.  An attorney must be consulted.

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(Name of Corporation)


            The first meeting of the Board of Directors of Exetor Company1was called to order at 123 Main Street, Chicago, Illinois2 on the 5th day of April 20063.  Present for the meeting were Elmer Dolby4, Richard Snull5, David Hokey6, each of whom waived formal notice of said meeting.



            The meeting minutes of the Preliminary Meeting held on the 5th day of February 20067, and the meeting minutes of the Organizational Meeting on the 5th day of March 20068 were read and approved with changes.



            The Treasurer's report was deferred until the next meeting due to the fact that arrangements were being made to open appropriate bank accounts and assemble the funds for the investment by the respective shareholders.



            It was anticipated that the first corporate account would be developed sometime within the next 30 days; an appropriate contract would be prepared and signed at that time.



            It was determined that Exetor Company10 would qualify as a small business corporation and it was the intention to keep the corporation in the range of qualification for benefits allowed under the Internal Revenue Code including being the election of Subchapter S which was decided to be undertaken in the meeting of the general shareholders held on the 15th day of February 200611.  In regard with the intent of keeping the corporation a small business entity and in conjunction with the foregoing, the following resolution passed unanimously:

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Copyright ©1994 - 2009 by LAWCHEK, LTD.


RESOLVED:  That Exetor Company12, being a duly organized corporation under the laws of the State of Illinois13, should be authorized to function as a small business corporation and the initial issue of 200,00014 shares of stock would apply pursuant to the following:

A.  Of the initial 200,00014 shares, each share shall be issued at the rate of no par ($no par)15 per share.

B.  That, in the initial issue, no more than 200,00016 shares shall be authorized for an aggregate capitalization or investment of $20,00017.

C.  The initial issue shall be available to all shareholders or prospective shareholders for the purchase of stock in conjunction with the foregoing, up to and including the 1st day of June 200618.

D.  Only a single class of stock shall be issued.

E.  The shareholders shall be individual, estate and/or certain trusts as permitted by law.


            After the foregoing resolution passed unanimously, it was decided that the stock certificates would be issued, however, would be held until each investor had invested his complete amount of interest.



             It was necessary for the corporation to complete its Federal I.D. Application (Form No. 2553)20, which was completed for filing.



            It was decided that the corporation engage as a Subchapter S; therefore, a Form No. 941 would be completed by the shareholders.  All parties agreed that this was the best course for the corporation to follow. 

This is not a substitute for legal advice.  An attorney must be consulted.
Copyright ©1994 - 2009 by LAWCHEK, LTD.



            A slate of officers was proposed, and the following individuals were elected as officers of the corporation:

                              Elmer Dolby                            President21

Richard Snull                          Vice President22

                              David Hokey                            Secretary23

                              David Hokey                            Treasurer24


            No new business was discussed at this time.



            No amendments were found to be necessary to the corporation Bylaws.



            In conjunction with the parties of the corporation and pursuant to each of the incorporators and officers acting on behalf of the corporation, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED:  That all actions heretofore undertaken by each of the officers on behalf of the corporation are hereby authorized as full and complete acts of the corporation; and that the corporation shall indemnify each of the principals, incorporators and shareholders as well as officers for said acts.  

            The foregoing resolution was passed unanimously.  There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned.

            Dated at 123 Main Street, Chicago, Illinois25 on this 5th day of April 200626.

Company Secretary27         


This is not a substitute for legal advice.  An attorney must be consulted.
Copyright ©1994 - 2009 by LAWCHEK, LTD.



The form opposite is an example of how a typical form for the First Board of Directors’ Meeting may be completed.


1.       The name of the corporation.

2.       The location where the meeting was held.

3.       The date the meeting was held.

4.       The identity of the first shareholder present.

5.       The identity of the second shareholder present.

6.       The identity of the third shareholder present.

7.       The date of the prior meeting, in this case, the Preliminary Meeting.

8.       The date the Organizational Meeting was held.

9.       If funds have been received and expenditures made, a full Treasurer’s report should either appear here or be attached as an appendix.

10.     The name of the corporation.

11.     The date the meeting of the general shareholders was held.

12.     The name of the corporation.

13.     The state in which the corporation exists and under whose laws it is governed.

14.     The number of shares to be issued.  This amount should be consistent with the amount issued in the Organizational Meeting.

15.     The dollar amount or “no par” per share.  This should also be consistent with the amount shown in the Organizational Meeting.

16.     Number of shares to be issued initially.  The 200,000 figure was used arbitrarily.

17.     The dollar amount of the total contribution or investment by the shareholders to be made at this time.  The $20,000 figure is arbitrary.

18.     The date by which the shareholders must make their investment. Generally, this is a date in the future allowing the shareholders to make an 
    investment up to and including the date shown. (No other resolution such as this resolution may be issued prior to the fulfillment of the stock 
    investment and prior to the conclusion of this date.)

19.     The class of the stock or the series of the stock should be indicated at this point.

20.     The 2553 Form is the form which allows for an application to the Internal Revenue Service for a Federal I.D. number.

21.     The name of the elected President.

22.     The name of the elected Vice President.

23.     The name of the elected Secretary.

24.     The name of the elected Treasurer.

25.     The location where the meeting was held.

26.     The date when the meeting occurred.

27.     The signature of the secretary.


This is not a substitute for legal advice.  An attorney must be consulted.
Copyright ©1994 - 2013 by LAWCHEK, LTD.



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