& Lawsonline�
Personal Legal Sourcebooks
"LAWCHEK� Wills & Estates"
This is not a substitute for legal advice. An attorney must be consulted. "This work is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. No reproduction, use, or disclosure of this work shall be permitted without the prior express written authorization of the copyright owner. Copyright � 2003 by LAWCHEK, LTD." |
What is estate planning? |
Estate planning is simply an arrangement for the distribution of one's assets. However, estate planning commonly includes much more than just distributing wealth. Common concerns are naming guardians and providing for minor children, planning for the handling of finances in the event of disability or old age, providing for spouses and minimizing death taxes, etc. It is a misconception that estate planning is only for the wealthy. There are very few people who do not need some type of estate planning. The simplest estate plan may consist of only a Simple Will and a Power of Attorney. Those two documents can provide for a multitude of concerns. Following are reasons commonly given for needing estate planning:
This is not a substitute for legal
advice. An
attorney must be consulted.
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