Wills & Estates
Sample Legal Forms
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is not a substitute for legal advice. An
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is not a substitute for legal advice. An
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The form above is an example of how a typical Single Trust Will form may be completed.
The identity and full name of the testator should be set forth. Generally, the entire name including the full middle name should be set forth. However, only the middle initial has been used in this sample Single Trust form.
Again, the full name of the testator.
The address of the testator. Generally, a street address should be included, however, in this case there is not a street address.
The state in which the testator resides should be set forth.
The name of the spouse is set forth.
The identity of the children is provided.
The name of the spouse is once again noted.
The name of the testator.
The name of the spouse of the testator.
The name of the first guardian appointed for the children.
The name of the second guardian appointed for the children.
The address of the guardians.
The state in which the guardians reside.
The names of the children.
A banking institution, if used as a trustee, should be indicated.
The address of the banking institution should be provided.
The name of the trust which includes the testator's name and the spouse's name.
The street address of the family home.
The city in which the family resides.
The state in which the family resides.
The name of the children.
The names as identified in the trust as the testator's name and the spouse's name.
The names of the children.
The names of the testator and spouse for the identity of the trust name.
The names of the children.
Again, the identity of the trust name, including the names of the testator and spouse.
The names of the children.
The name of the trust.
Again, the names of the children.
The names of the testator and spouse for the identity of the trust.
The names of the children.
The names of the testator and spouse.
The names of the children.
The names of the testator and spouse.
Once again, the names of the children must be indicated.
The names of the testator and spouse.
The names of the testator's children.
The name of the testator's spouse.
A specific bequest is set forth of 5% of the residuary estate. The beneficiary is here noted.
An additional beneficiary to the 5% of the residuary estate. Please understand that this a sample only.
An additional recipient is identified.
An additional recipient is once again identified. Keep in mind that this is a sample form only.
A beneficiary of the estate in the event the spouse and children do not survive the testator for one-half (1/2) the remaining portion of the estate is set forth as an example.
An additional beneficiary is a sample only.
A beneficiary set forth as an example only.
A beneficiary set forth as an example only.
The executor is identified.
The identity of the alternate executor.
The address of the alternate executor.
The state in which the alternate executor resides.
The date on which the will is signed.
The signature of the testator.
Once again, the date on which the will is signed.
The identity of the testator.
Again, the identity of the testator.
The name of the testator must once again appear on the document.
The number of pages in the document.
The signature of the first witness.
The address of the first witness.
The signature of the second witness.
The address of the second witness.
The state in which the notary affidavit is signed.
The county in which the affidavit is signed is identified.
The identity of the testator.
The identity of the first and second witnesses.
The signature of the testator.
The signature of the first witness.
The signature of the second witness.
The name of the testator.
The name of the first witness.
The name of the second witness.
The date on which the document is signed.
The signature of the Notary Public.
This is not a substitute for legal
advice. An
attorney must be consulted.
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