Intellectual Property Forms? is providing the
Intellectual Property book so individual readers
will get answers to questions like how do I protect a copyright or what does
intelectual property mean. The Lawchek™ book will provide free blank
Intelectual Property forms along with sample forms with the information
already filled in so individual readers will see how a noncompete agreement should look
like. So after reviewing this site you can be on the same page as your attorney when you ask the questions, "How do I
protect a copyritght?" and "What does a trade secrete look like?" If you do not have an attorney you may find one on this link
The purpose of this book is to provide the general public some information about Intellecutal property. It is a reference manual that should answer basic questions like, "How do I register a copyright" The questions recited in this manual are the more commonly asked questions of attorneys when a client first makes contact for the purpose of drafting a Nondisclosure agreement. Neither this manual nor the subject matter contained within is in any way a substitute for legal advice. For legal advice, an attorney must be consulted. The design of this manual is elementary and is, by no means, a comprehensive assessment of a particular legal discipline. It will, however, allow the reader to better understand the various aspects of intelectual property
Hopefully, the use of this manual will lessen the personal agony of attempting to look up the answers to the questions covered. Additionally, the manual should reduce the amount of time the reader will ultimately spend with chosen legal counsel and, therefore, reduce to some degree the costs of legal services.
On the other hand, the manual is also designed to bring to the legal community a better educated public. The massive amount of legal information that is available to the individual attorney would, without question, overwhelm a member of the public who is not trained to research and retrieve the information that would typically apply to a given subject such as probate. A competent attorney who is skilled in providing legal advice relative to probate matters should welcome to his or her office someone with a basic understanding of how a will is drafted. Therefore, the reader should take comfort in the fact that through the choice of this manual, it will be possible to meet in the attorney's office with a greater understanding of the subject matter involved.
This manual gives an overview and basic understanding through a question-and-answer format. It also furnishes some basic forms that most likely would be used in a given state. This manual should provide the general types of forms that an attorney might employ in responding to client needs and court requirements.
It is never recommended that an individual undertake his or her own representation in such matters as probate (wills and estates), even though most states do permit such activity. Any individual who is serious about resolving a probate problem would want to have capable legal assistance. Therefore, the reader is urged to contact a competent attorney who should welcome the fact that a client is arriving at his or her office with the information acquired from this manual. In other words, the reader should be a better informed member of the public by reading and reviewing the contents of this manual and, accordingly, should be better prepared to consult an attorney about wills and estates. Read on for a better understanding of probate matters.
- Read this manual.
- Remember to consult an attorney for legal problems.
- Read the questions and answers in order to have a basic understanding of the subject matter which you have chosen, in this case, wills and estates law.
- Pay special attention to detail, especially when completing forms for your attorney.
- Approach resolving estate questions as a serious matter that requires patience for the long term and guidance to complete.
- Enjoy the materials presented and use the materials for your benefit in acquiring new knowledge.
- Make assumptions about wills and estates.
- Expect this manual to be the substitute or a replacement for an attorney's implementation of resolving estate questions.
- Expect that the questions and answers embellish all aspects of wills and estates.
- Expect the forms contained here to be the only forms that you may need.
- Rush through the materials or make assumptions (consult an attorney).
- Expect that just anyone will have the answers to your questions. Read the manual and talk to your attorney.
About Us
Lawchek™ has been providing legal forms since 1994 and has had 20 years of experience in electronic legal form publication. Lawchek™ first published these legal forms through Macmillan Spectrum publication in 1996. Lawchek™ has provided sample legal forms for libraries across the country and is still the best place to find sample legal forms before talking with your attorney. These legal forms can now be accessed online for free on this site. Please feel free to use these legal form books for educational and personal use purposes. They are intended to be used with a licensed attorney in your state. To find a qualified licensed attorney please click on the following link.
This is not a substitute for legal advice. An attorney must be consulted. Click here.